Sunday, June 28, 2009

Jared's Graduation Open House

Here is how people attending Jared's open house could tell they were at the right house!

We had planned to serve the food outside under this canopy but when the temperature was 95 at noon - we decided to move the party inside.

These displays greeted people as they came into the house. My cousin & Madison did a great job of organizing this really cool display board.
You gotta love the progression of baby into High School Senior. Isn't this a 'must' at all graduation open houses?
We served the most awesome fajitas & fixings!
This cake was made in the shape & dimensions of a Rugby Field!
How cool is that?!

Jared was very blessed to have a really nice turn-out with so many friends and family. We certainly had a FULL house for his Open House.

Jared & his Grandmas.

We had family come from Iowa....
and friends from Texas...

Lots of visiting!

Luckily the living room could hold everyone!

This is a special family who prepared & gifted the catering to us
in honor of Jared.
The food was fabulous & the day was truly great!

And not complete without the attention of a special photographer... Grandpa!


stevenjared0853 said...

What beautiful photos from Jared's Graduation Open House. And how sweet these arrangements were. I am sure everyone had a great day. When my daughter graduated, I also hosted a fun event at the most beautiful garden event space in Chicago. It was a surprise party which she loved thoroughly.

Anonymous said...

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