Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Goodbye 'ol friend... my shoes

I've had these shoes for at least 12 years. They are "Clark" brand & very nice quality. I think they came from Dillards. I can't remember exactly when I got them but I do remember they were priced well over $100. And since I am extremely frugal, I distinctly recall having a gift card (maybe two?) and there being some sort of DoorBuster sale, like day-after-Christmas or Black Friday. I would never spend that much on shoes, even though these were definitely worth it.
Anyways.... I went to conduct a rehearsal last Friday night. It was very cold & rainy so I wore a nice black wool jacket & my trusty 'ol black shoes.
Needless to say it didn't take long before my feet were wet & cold. I knew there was a SMALL crack on the tip of one shoe, but upon further inspection when I got home I could see the small crack on the right shoe, but a HUGE CRACK across the entire width of the left shoe. Zoom in close on this picture & you can see the cracks.

Oh. My. Word. This is terrible! I love these shoes!
I actually put them away in my closet for 24 hours thinking I might salvage them somehow but decided to throw them away.
(...humming 'Glory, Glory, Hallelujah' to myself...)

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