Sunday, September 21, 2008

Yearbook yourself

I don't know how many of you check out the links to my 'Friends & Family' listed here on my blog... but if you haven't clicked on any of them lately, you should look at these really funny pictures that my sister-in-law Jill posted (of my brother!) and her sister, Emily posted. It's called 'Yearbook Yourself'. You gotta do it too, it's so funny!
As soon as we read Emily's blog, Madison, Jared & I immediately made pics of ourselves and 'yearbooked' ourselves. I know you would have enjoyed the yearbook photos, but I thought you might like to see the up-close pictures Jared & Madison took of themselves. If I can figure out how to post the yearbook ones like Jill & Emily did, then I'll do it too.

Okay, I figured out a couple of them...
Jared, 1976

shelly, 1950

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