Monday, August 3, 2020

Hallelujah on a Monday morning & What's your favorite song?

Lately we've been obsessed with the musical event called "Choir! Choir! Choir!". It's a traveling movement that gathers thousands of people from a community (mostly New York or Toronto) put them in to really large space (like an old warehouse or subway station area) and all these people sing backup to a song from pop culture. Typically it's a very melodic song that has lots of harmony parts, which is why the back up singers are amazing. They always chose very compassionate songs which makes the movement extremely touching when all the voices come together. 
This morning I found the Choir! Choir! Choir! production piece using Rufus Wainwright from 2016 in Toronto singing "Hallelujah". Tears ran down my face... it's so beautiful. 

This takes me back to a conversation we had last night at Gumbos (the restaurant where Jared works). The 2-man bad who plays on Sunday nights lets folks come sing with them, and Scott jumps at the opportunity! Last night he said to me, "what's your favorite song that I can sing?"... I drew a blank. EVERY song he sings is my favorite because he sings it! Umm... I didn't have a specific answer which was not helpful in the moment because he wanted to sing something for me. 
But this morning upon hearing this song, all I can think about is the recording Scott, Jared, Dillon & Madison sang almost 4 years ago of this same song, "Hallelujah". It's my ALL TIME FAVORITE SONG. Coles singing Hallelujah, 2016

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