Monday, December 3, 2007


Scott may not have surgery on Monday....

Scott has been diagnosed with MRSA. This is a type of staph infection that is resistant to antibiodics. This is very serious.

This infection reared its ugly head a month ago, but was mistakenly diagnosed & treated as a spider bite (typical diagnosis). The anitbiodics he took a month ago seemed to stop the spread of the outbreak, but a new crop of infection set in last week (typical of this strain of Staph).

The culture taken by Scott's family doctor tested positive today (taken on Friday). The surgeon will continue with pre-op testing this week and we'll know for sure on Friday if the infection is responding to the latest powerful antibiodic Scott started today. THEN we'll know if the surgery will take place on Monday. Grrr.... I hate this waiting!

If he has the strain called HA-MRSA, then any hopes of surgery COULD be postponed for many, many months. The Staph called CA-MRSA seems to respond well to treatments, so we're hoping this is the strain he has. (HA means 'health-care associated' & CA means 'community associated'.)

If the infection set into Scott's internal cavity during surgery, then the likelihood of dying from the infection is very high. This is so scary because MRSA is VERY contagious and VERY resistant to traditional antibiodies... even in hospitals (especially in hospitals!).

Please stop for a second & say a small prayer (or big prayer, if you have time) for him. Scott is in so much back pain that the risk of MRSA during surgery seems incidental to him... but it's NOT! Scott needs to be free from this infection before they'll open him up. Poor Scott.

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